"Can't you see that you're hurting me, why don't you love me, why don't you care, did I mean nothing to you...no, there's someone else, there's some else isn't there? I knew you were using me, I knew you didn't care....."
No, there isn't someone else, but I wish there was. Someone who wouldn't question how I feel. Someone to love me and hold me and nothing more. Someone who would call just to hear my voice or ask about my day. To protect me when in harm and to comfort me when in sadness. Someone who thought of love as a spiritual thing rather than a concept. Someone who wants me for me, and nothing more. To make me laugh and not cry, to never question my motives and ask why. I'm confused as to what exactly it is I do that would imply that I'm over you and found someone else. Yes, there are others, but I haven't even given them a second thought or a chance, because of my constant reminder of you.
But if you're going to act this way, then go on ahead. Be cold and aloof. Be immature and hurtful. Do as you wish and keep thinking I'll sit around and wait until you change. I'll look for someone new. Someone to not only have love for me, but to say that they're in love with me.
Someone like the old you.