Hello my loyal readers, I'm sososososososososo sorry (I honestly couldn't apologize enough) for going missing in action. I've been so inconceivably busy, you simply could not understand. On average, I probably have been getting three or four hours of sleep a WEEK. Anyone who knows me, however, would tell you that I function like I've slept like a BABY......(those who don't know me, but know my story, they would tell you I'm on hard drugs...sigh, I wish I was).
Anyway, believe it or not, my life has changed SOOOOOOO much since the last time I've posted on here. I usually choose to be discreet when it comes to certain things, but in these next few posts, I'm prepared to lay everything out on the table. I've kept things to myself for way too long and personally feel like my blog is a good outlet for my thoughts and feelings. I don't necessarily care if people read it because I know I'm not the only person out there who finds themselves in situations like this.
And so the stories begin:

Armageddon happened in late March. Kathy had agreed with me that she would stop "terrorizing" Jane for the rest of the year. That was on a Tuesday and was honestly one of the happiest days of the year. The next to days were like heaven on Earth. Every single one of us laughing excessively, being loud and obnoxious, and sharing food as if we sincerely loved each other and had a Sisterhood of the Traveling cafeteria Cookie going on. Unfortunately, that same week, Thursday, proved to be the end of a thing that was way too good to be true. We were sitting at lunch like the freaking Winx Club when my sister came over and asked me for a dollar. I told her if Bandz a Make Her Dance, she can have that dollar to buy a Pop Tart. As everyone giggled and I egged my sister on, all I heard behind me was yelling. When I looked back, Jane and Kathy are going neck and neck about whatever it was that just happened in the five seconds that I had my back turned. Apparently, (I am now reporting what was told to me) Jane had to Kathy to shut the hell up because Kathy had said something that offended Jane. Whatever, not my problem. WRONG.
Next thing I know, everyone's suddenly taking sides in this unofficial war of the vaginas. I was unsure about that what was actually happening so I decided to take a mental health day from school the next day (Mental Health Day= eat.sleep.repeat) When I awoke from the first cycle of mental health day, I unsuspecting checked Twitter, where I was shocked to find Kathy bluntly calling Jane out of her name and swearing up and down that she was going to kill her. Well, what a great way to start my morning. Minutes later, I am bombarded by texts from Kathy telling me to tell her everything Jane said about her because she already knew. Dammit, I was now in a predicament for the history books. It then dawned on me, hitting me like a ton of bricks; this was not my problem, nor was it ever mine to begin with, it was Jane's. Jane had been putting a strain on every one of my friendships for the past few months, making me fight her battles against some of my closest friends and taking advantage of my loyalty because she knew I would never turn my back on her. On that day, that loyalty was finally broken. I didn't need someone causing all types of misery and mess in my life. I consciously decided that I no longer wanted to be her friend. I felt a sort of hatred most people would only feel for their arch enemy. In those few moments, Jane suddenly made the list. When she contacted me that night, I was still on a bloodthirsty high. I wanted nothing but to see her suffer. At the time, I did still hold on to some imaginary strand that was keeping our friendship together and relevant. When I answered the phone, however, all of that went down the drain when she suddenly began accusing me of this, that, and the third. Home girl is SO lucky this was on the phone and not in person, because it would have been kill first, ask questions later. She denied ever saying anything about me or Kathy and said everyone was lying and they were jealous, etc etc, placing the blame wherever she felt it needed to be. I clearly told her that I was no longer fighting in her corner and that she was on her own indefinitely because I just couldn't stand being lied to.
When I look back at things today, if she just owned up to her shortcomings instead of redirecting the blame and denying everything, we would never be where we are today. I'm not heartless; if she apologized for what she said, we would have worked on it and gotten through it, things happen. But NOOOOO, bitches stay basic and to this day, she'll still deny it. I mean, yeah I lost a best friend, but I gained something a lot more valuable: Knowledge. I was able to look beyond my feelings and look at the facts at hand. Period point blank, I don't do misery, and everything about Jane screams it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't make the decisions I had to make. I regret absolutely nothing about everything that happened and I pretty much put it in the past. As I mature, I've learned to not hold onto grudges like I have in the past and to not let my anger control my life. I forgive, but never forget, and could never return to the past. Fortunately, I do look forward to my future with the friends I've managed to keep and those who've shown me that they're down with me one hundred and ten percent, just as I am for them.