You know?
You'd think you'd know someone after years and years? But quite frankly, this isn't necessarily so.
Everyone's going to lie to you, cheat on you, spit in your face, and disappoint you; but you have learn to
roll with the punches. I've learned this from first hand experience. The first time I was ever truly back stabbed was the 5th grade, by a group of girls I used to be in some sort of "clique" with.
Sure, the problems at hand were petty, but at the time, they hurt me to the core and made me realize that everything in the world isn't fucking
rainbows and sunshine. There isn't always a rainbow after a rainstorm, there's
just rain and fog.

As I got older, the backstabbing continued, and as I got older, the problems got
more adult, even if the people they involved remained
childish. People have said mean things behind my back. Though
I'm no one to talk, I know what it feels like to be
bullied, and it
SUCKS. You couldn't imagine the type of things I've said and have had said to me. Some of my
closest friends turned out to be the
worst offenders, often having skeletons of backstabbing in their closets that were directly of me. I didn't trust anyone back then and
still don't trust people
100% now.
I really wish I could, because things would be
100 times easier and fighting would happen
less often. Because though I have a tough exterior, it's not like I
LIKE to fight, it's just that
motherfuckers keep asking for it. The bottom line, I don't really care as much as I used to. I wish I did, but
unfortunately, I don't. I mean, I have some
great people in my life, but I'm trying to keep from making the same mistakes and letting the wrong people in. Sadly,
in the game of life, everyone's a suspect.
---Signed half heartily, Me