Examples, shall I?
THUG LIFE: Nigga, you're not hard. Throwing up gang signs, swearing, and disrespecting women...I'm just, I don't know, making suggestions here, but things like this JUST MIGHT BE reasons why it's you and your hand every Friday night. I especially hate the wack asses who act all gangster. Skinny jeans tighter than mine that sag to your ankles and snapbacks don't make you hot. How about you stop "spittin game" and just start a conversation with a girl. Because guys can't talk to me any type of way, that is if you'd like to live a full and happy life and reproduce.
DESPERATE: Stop making your love life a topic of discussion. You can't tweet everyday: @INeedAGirlfriend: I need a girlfriend #lovesucks because unfortunately, you might be sending out the warning signs of obsessive. You can't just expect a girlfriend to fall out of the sky. You have to actually approach a girl (and no, asking for a piece of paper doesn't count). Also, you can't talk to a girl once and suddenly devote your allegiance to her. Just calm the fuck down and take it slow.
JERK OFF: Stop being a smart ass, it's rude, not funny. I mean, I get when we're younger, they say boys tend to bully girls they have feeling for as a coping mechanism. But, unfortunately, we're no longer 7, we're 16, grow up and make a man's move, not a boy's. Constantly insulting a girl is funny the first and second time, but after a while, it gets old. Also, when you actually do compliment her, she'll take it a sarcasm, guaranteed. Maybe if you'd just try, and I mean REALLY TRY to not be a smart ass 57% of the time, maybe a girl would take notice of 43% you've uncovered.
I know, there are many more examples of guys who don't have girlfriends, but those are just the few relevant in my life lately. Maybe if guys would learn from these examples, the world would be