****DISCLAIMERS fo' dummies

****Disclaimers fo' dummies
Understand this before you start reading ANY POSTS: it's my opinion; my outlook on the people around me and their actions. I feel entitled to my opinion and if you don't like it, I suggest you hit the back button on your browser right this second. I mean, not gonna lie, some things MIGHT be offensive, but this blog isn't for the sensitive at heart.

Friday, November 25, 2011

What should have happened and what did happen on Thanksgiving

Sooo, like everyone else in America, I was excited for the prerequisite for type 2 diabetes, better known nationally as Thanksgiving. I was ready for the beautiful meal and the family bonding. Unfortunately, as usual, nothing ever goes as planned. My Thankgiving isn't an exception. Here's a rundown on exactly what happened on November 24, 2011:
  • As usual, my family always waits until the very last second to prepare for anything. This became a problem at 7:32 in the morning, when I was woken up from my island honeymoon with someone-who-will-remain-anonymous and rudely brought back to reality by my mother, who needed to go to Walmart to get the food and everything we needed.
  • We got everything we needed and came home....or so we thought. We forgot the turkey. I know, who forgets the turkey? My mom, obviously. Anyway, everything by then was closed, so my dad had to go to a Bravo supermarket in Kissimmee to get one.
  • To make matters worse, my ankle swole up. Yup, God has blessed me, I'm sure.And depite that I STILL had to help cook
  • My mom didn't make the mashed poatoes orrrrr the stuffing
  • Mom overbaked the ham
  • Dad overfryed the turkey
  • Sister bitched through the entire day
  • I considered suicide
  • Then refused it
  • Then reconsidered it
  • Food finally finished
  • Mom dropped sweet potato pie, all that's left is pumpkin ( Seriously? )

But in the end, we had a great meal & we bonded as a family and that's what Thanksgiving is all about, not the TV perfect family, but just enjoying being in each other's company.